Passive immunity is "borrowed" from another source and it lasts for a short time. 被动免疫的抗体是从其它地方“借来”的,只能持续很短的时间。
The effect of medicament-control, how to use vaccine controlling HCMV infection and related disease, and the role of passive immunity in controlling HCMV infection were introduced in detail. 阐述了使用药物控制HCMV感染的效果,疫苗在控制HCMV感染及引发疾病方面的作用及通过被动免疫控制HCMV感染的现状与进展。
The experimental and field applications results proved that both means of the passive immunity can provided very good prevention for gosling against GNTVE. 动物保护试验和田间应用试验的结果均表明,制备的高免血清和用灭活油乳剂苗免疫种鹅均能给雏鹅提供很好的被动保护。
Viruses were isolated from livers, spleens and kidneys in diseased goslings. The isolated viruses were identified to be a duck plague virus by pathogenicity, passive immunity and neutralization trials. 用患病雏鹅的肝、脾、肾作病料分离病毒,经致病性试验、被动免疫试验、中和试验证明了分离病毒为鸭瘟病毒;
Several remarkable problems of poultry passive artificial immunity 家禽人工被动免疫应注意的若干问题
Conclusions The AIMD may be caused by the humoral and cell mediated passive immunity against inner ear antigens. 结论:体液和细胞转移免疫均可诱发出被动免疫性AIMD;
Stability of Some Epidemic Models with Passive Immunity 一类有被动免疫的流行病模型研究
This passive fiber-optic electric field sensor based on Pockels effect with safty and immunity to the electromagnetic interference has some applications in the measurements under adverse circumstances as well as in the control and protection. 从不受电磁干扰影响和安全性出发,建立在Pockels效应基础上的无源光纤电场传感器,在恶劣的电气环境下的测量、控制和防护等方面具有极大意义。
The ELISA titer of rabbit serum immunized with rSl was 1:32000, and the protective rate of it in passive immunity test was 100%. 家兔免疫血清ELISA效价为1:32000。抗rS1血清对小鼠被动的免疫保护率为100%。
Capacity of B Type Hepatitis Virus Influencing the Result of Passive Immunity in Pregnant Women for Preventing Intrauterine Infection 孕妇携带乙型肝炎病毒载量影响被动免疫预防宫内感染效果的研究
The infants of experiment group were conducted passive-active combination immunity, that of control group were conducted active immunity. 实验组孕妇所分娩婴儿出生后行被动-主动联合免疫,对照组孕妇所分娩婴儿出生后行主动免疫。
Objective To observe the effect of passive immunity to fetus from mother and vaccined after birth on HBV intrauterine infection. 目的研究母体对胎儿行被动免疫及出生后胎儿行主动免疫在降低乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)宫内感染中的作用。
Studies on hydrolysis of anti-HRV IgY and its oral passive immunity effect to human rotavirus 抗轮状病毒卵黄免疫球蛋白的蛋白酶水解及被动免疫保护作用
Both active and passive immunity tests demonstrated good protection of the OMP to mice. Thus, it suggested that OMP was a protective antigen. 动物试验表明OMP有良好的免疫原性,自动和被动免疫力试验均能对小鼠有良好的保护作用,表明OMP是一种保护性抗原。
A strain of DHV-N was isolated from liver of duckling, with serum I of duck hepatitis, virus by neutralization test and serum passive immunity protection test, the strain of type I DHV was identified. 使用工型鸭肝炎病毒抗血清,通过中和试验和血清被动免疫保护试验进行鉴定,证明该分离毒株为Ⅰ型DHV。
OBJECTIVE To inquire the influence of the capacity of B type hepatitis virus DNA ( HBV DNA) carried by pregnant women on the result of passive immunity by injecting hepatitis B immunoglobulin ( HBIG) for preventing intrauterine infection. 目的探讨孕妇携带乙型肝炎病毒DNA(HBVdna)的载量,对注射乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白(HBIG)预防宫内传播效果的影响。
Colostrum intake is important for passive immunity, but also for the provision of nutriments. 初乳的摄入对被动免疫和营养素的供给非常重要。
The immune rabbit sera were used for passive immunity test in mice. 并以家兔免疫血清在小鼠进行被动免疫保护实验。
Passive immunotherapy, also known as adoptive immunotherapy, is a treatment of transferring the immune response products of the donor who has immunity against the disease to other individuals, or reinfusion of autologous cells handing in vitro to play the role of disease treatment. 被动免疫治疗又称为过继免疫治疗,是将对疾病有免疫力的供者的免疫应答产物转移给其他个体,或者自体细胞体外经过处理后回输自身以发挥治疗疾病作用的治疗方式。
Active and passive immunity induced EAMG model was used often. 常用的诱导EAMG模型的方法有主动免疫和被动免疫。
an impermanent form of acquired immunity in which antibodies against a disease are acquired naturally (as through the placenta to an unborn child) or artificially (as by injection of antiserum)